Educational activities at the Universitas Gadjah Mada implemented using the credit system and its implementation time is set using the semester system. The amount of credit to complete the Undergraduate Studies Program (S1) of at least 144 credits and a maximum of 160 credits with a cumulative IP at least 2.00 without the E and D values should not be more than 25% of the total credits earned. The amount of credits obtained from lectures, practicum, field work, community service (KKN) and a thesis. Implementation of the educational activties held on 6 halls with 4 sessions per day (one session is 100 minutes), start of 7a.m until 3p.m.
Assesment based on the score of A, B, C, D, and E (A = very good,> 79.00; B = good, between 65.00 to 78.99; C = enough, between 57,5- 64.99; D = less, between 47.5 to 57.49; E = bad, <47.49). In addition, use the letter K is empty (no score) and T (incomplete). Within 1 month are not met, the score is transformed into E. Evaluation of the results of studies carried out routinely students each semester. Determinant of outcome evaluation studies were also carried out at the end of the first two years and at the end of the study. In addition, the evaluation was also conducted on the time limit levels of each study. The success of college state by Grade Point Average or GPA (IP).
The final evaluation routinely includes subject of study were taken by the students during the semester applicable. Results of this evaluation is mainly used to determine the study load that may be taken in the next semester with the following terms.
Credits that can be taken in the next semester is determined by comparing the results of the previous semester of studies, with the calculation:
IP ≥3,00 = 21-24 credits
IP 2.50 to 2.99 = 18-21 credits
IP 2.00 to 2.49 = 15-18 credits
IP 1.50 to 1.99 = 12-15 credits
IP <1,50 = maximum of 12 credits.
Students may continue their studies after the fourth semesters, if it following requirements: (1) obtained at least 30 cumulative credits and (2) achieve a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (IP), taken 30 credits of educational activities with the highest value. Students who do not follow these requirements state to resign.
Student was accompanied by a college adviser (DPA) determined by the faculty to support their success of the Study. College adviser is obliged to give input in determining the type of subject that will be taken in accordance with their interests and they should actively consult Alt college adviser. Each lecturer rol as college adviser for about 15 students. At the beginning of the semester, lecturers activities to discuss about study plan increasing. College adviser is not only helping the students in the academic but also non-academic (employment opportunities, participation in research, scientific paper competitions, personal problems).