Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada as a host in collaboration with FORPIMGEO (Higher Education Leadership Forum for Geography and Geography Education) throughout Indonesia, and LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development) Fellow held a monthly seminar on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) The # 63 Seminar Series on Monday, 22 March 2021 with the theme “Development Leadership in Water Resources Conservation and Management”. The seminar was held online using Webex media and live Youtube. The speakers in this series were Prof. Dr. Ani Mardiastuti (Professor of the Bogor Agricultural Institute/Institut Pertanian Bogor, Fellow LEAD) and Prof. Dr. Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati, M.Si. (Professor of Semarang State University/Universitas Negeri Semarang and FORPIMGEO Advisory Board). This seminar should had been hosted by Dr. Erlis Saputra, M.Si. (Head of the Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography UGM) and moderated by Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A. (Professor of Universitas Gadjah Mada and Chairman of FORPIMGEO). However, due to health issue Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A. was unable to attend. At the end, Dr. Erlis Saputra, M.Si replaced him as moderator. This series discussed the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Access to Clean Water and Sanitation) and the Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Handling Climate Change).
August 30, 2017, with the support of the Faculty, together with the “warriors” from Geography UGM intend to contribute to the State by contributing ideas on the discourse of the plan to move the Capital of the Nation, which has been widely discussed in the past year. One proof of the core competency of the geography is its ability to answer the question “Where?” To all geosphere phenomena, including the question where should the location of prospective capital? At a minimum, it is hoped that the discourse discussion will be colored by a comprehensive geographic perspective. Some interesting questions to discuss are “why need to move”, “move the center of government or move the capital city”, “what indicators are the criteria for prospective capital”, and finally be able to answer where the potential location is.