Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. became a Keynote Speaker at the International Conference on Ecosmart-2019: Environmental at a Crossroads: SMART Approaches for a Sustainable Future held on September 5 to 8 September 2019 at the University of Bucharest-Romania. On this occasion Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T. received an invitation from Facultatea De Geografie-Universitatea Din Bucuresti to deliver a presentation on “Toward Better City Management through Smart City Implementation.” On this occasion Dr. Rini Rachmawati also discussed the MoU with Prof. Lilliana Dumitrache (Head of Department of Human Geography) for conducting research collaboration, guest lectures, staff / student exchanges.
Field Work Lecture 3 Regional Development Planning Studio conducted by the Regional Development Study Program, Department of Geography Development took the study location in Palangkaraya City, Central Kalimantan Province with the theme of Regional Planning and Development in Efforts to Realize Sustainable Development in Palangkaraya City, Central Kalimantan Province.
This activity involved 68 students and 5 lecturers with five themes studied which included: (i) tourism (supervisor Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A.); (ii) agriculture (advisor Prof. Dr. R. Rijanta, M.Sc.); (iii) Smart City (supervisor Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.); (iv) urban poverty (supervisor Alia Fajarwati, S.Si., M.IDEA); and (v) disaster (supervisor Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei).
The ASIIN International Accreditation (https://www.asiin.de/) Certificate for Regional Development Study Program, Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada has just issued!
The certificate can be downloaded through http://pw.geo.ugm.ac.id/en/accreditation/
August 30, 2017, with the support of the Faculty, together with the “warriors” from Geography UGM intend to contribute to the State by contributing ideas on the discourse of the plan to move the Capital of the Nation, which has been widely discussed in the past year. One proof of the core competency of the geography is its ability to answer the question “Where?” To all geosphere phenomena, including the question where should the location of prospective capital? At a minimum, it is hoped that the discourse discussion will be colored by a comprehensive geographic perspective. Some interesting questions to discuss are “why need to move”, “move the center of government or move the capital city”, “what indicators are the criteria for prospective capital”, and finally be able to answer where the potential location is.
Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei was invited as a visiting lecturer for 7 weeks at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
The several activities that have been carried out in Paris include: Volcanographie seminars at Laboratoire Geography de Paris CNRS Bellevue Meudon; presentation at LGP Talk about 2018 Disaster Retrospective in Indonesia: Threats, Handling and Future Challenges for Regional Development; and teach about Volcanic Crisis and Evacuation Management.
Until now there has been a partnership between FGE UGM and the University of Paris 1, the MoU already exists and is still valid. An open opportunity for the teaching staff of the Regional Development Study Program to continue their PhD there. This year, students from Paris 1, Lucile Mollaret, who chose UGM FGE for the semester exchange and chose many courses in the Regional Development Study Program. In the future, opportunities for FGE S1 and S2 students (PW) are open if they wish to conduct a semester exchange to Paris 1, however, the language of instruction still uses French (for S1 and S2; while S3 is now able to write a dissertation in English).
The National Seminar entitled “Geography Potential for Strengthening National Integration” was held by Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, M.A. as chairperson of the FORPIMGEO presented a paper entitled “Sustainable Development Leadership” explaining the development of civilization since the Industrial Revolution 1.0 that occurred in Britain and continental Europe, until the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with digital technology, computers, the internet and smartphones. The impact of development, social change and the environment requires understanding and solutions to problems that arise. Geography education and the development of geography are needed to be the solution for the Indonesian nation, the Unity in Diversity. Social justice and spatial justice must be upheld so that people’s welfare and sustainable development can be achieved.
In order to conduct community service activities in collaboration with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Jepara Regency with the UGM Disaster Study Center (PSBA), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was carried out on the Preparation of the Jepara District Disaster Hazard Map on September 13, 2018 at the Housing and Regional Offices Settlement of Jepara Regency. The FGD was attended by BPBD representatives, related OPDs, sub-district staff and the community. The presentation of the survey results was delivered at the beginning of the activity, as an introduction to the FGD.
The Faculty of Geography UGM and the NTNU Geography Department developed collaborative research by taking research locations in the Parangtritis area, Bantul. The location of the study was compared with sand dunes in Yilan county in Taiwan considering the similarities and differences in the physical conditions of the sandbanks and their coastal management. Parangtritis is being developed in relation to JJLSS, while Yilan in its phase has developed as an “open air museum” in Taiwan. Parangtritis still has a rural character that has the potential to become a “pseudo urban” when tourism becomes massive and develops in the future. Yilan county has a port that makes it develop.